O2 SMS Only eSIM

£ 6.00

In Stock

30 Day Rolling

Private UK phone number for life

Receive SMS ( Texts ) worldwide

Ideal for Two Factor Authentication

Reliable O2 service

Port your number in

Instant supply and activation

Only £5 per month

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O2 SMS Only eSIM

Two Factor Authentication by SMS is now the industry-standard method of providing secure login for many services.

Have you ever been unable to access your bank account while travelling? Our SMS-only product provides you with a private and secure UK telephone number as a handy eSIM service that you can load into your phone as a second line and still receive the codes at home, and indeed anywhere in the world. Reliability is key for SMS Two Factor Authentication and being an O2 service, the delivery is pretty much guaranteed.

The number and service can be yours for life for just £5 per month with no additional charges whatsoever. You can even port your existing UK number in with a PAC code.

You can receive and install this unique eSIM service within 5 minutes and it will be fully activated on receipt. Note that this is inbound SMS only with no calls or data supported.


Questions fréquemment posées

Laissez-nous vous aider à répondre aux questions les plus courantes que vous pourriez avoir.

Non. Il n'y aura jamais de frais supplémentaires au-delà des 5 £ mensuels.

Cela fonctionne partout dans le monde.

Le service est accompagné d'un véritable numéro de téléphone +44 au Royaume-Uni.

Non. Ceci concerne uniquement les SMS entrants.

Connectez-vous simplement à notre site Web, accédez à Compte et accédez à Mon eSIM. Vous verrez ici un bouton Annuler.

Ceci est clairement indiqué dans votre e-mail d'achat.

Le plan est fourni entièrement activé et prêt à être utilisé immédiatement.

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